
As we all know, video bridges the gap between the written word and the confines of our imagination. I have been able to elevate our already impactful storytelling through video, creating an interactive online experience. Whether I am shooting behind the scenes footage or a step-by-step cooking demonstration, I love breathing life into the words and photographs that lay flat on a tangible product.  

hand made cookbook


D Magazine’s Hand Made Cookbook was written during the pandemic by executive editor, Kathy Wise. There are 47 recipes all celebrating the diverse local food sources found in Dallas.

I created an interview-style video with Kathy where she discusses her idea behind the cookbook, as well as a series of bite-sized instructional videos highlighting a few of the most mouthwatering dishes.

Hand Make Cookbook Teaser Video

Five Mile Chocolate Chunk Cookies

Prickly Pear Margarita

Beef Empanadas

Behind the Issue

Inspired by the New York Times' monthly video series, Behind the Cover, these videos take you inside the process of what it takes to publish a magazine every month. What influences the design choices? How did one cover shot get chosen over another?

Watch and find out.

D Magazine - BOBD August 2021

D Magazine - BOBD Heroes Edition 2020

D CEO Behind The Redesign

Behind the Scenes

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